

Our residential pest control services at Iriene Pest Solutions Inc are meticulously crafted to safeguard your home against a myriad of common household pests. From the persistent presence of roaches and bedbugs to the nuisance of fleas, flies, and silverfish, we employ tailored treatments to eliminate infestations effectively. Our expertise extends to centipedes, millipedes, pill bugs, earwigs, spiders, weevils, beetles, and pantry pests, ensuring your home remains a haven free from unwanted intruders.

Furthermore, our commitment to safety is unwavering. We prioritize the well-being of your family and pets by utilizing environmentally friendly pest control methods and products. With Iriene Pest Solutions Inc, you can trust in our expertise, safety protocols, and customized solutions to keep your home pest-free for the long term. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the Iriene Pest Solutions Inc difference firsthand.

With over 4,600 different species, cockroaches have been around for over 320 million years. In modern day, they have adapted and are most commonly found in households where they can be close to an endless supply of food and water. They are nocturnal in nature and usually only emerge at night to hunt and feed. They can survive on virtually anything including basic household foods like meat, fruits, veggies and surprisingly eyelashes, makeup and decaying matter. You will likely find cockroaches roaming around pipes, bathtubs and drains where they can have access to moist, warm and hidden locations. This is why you always see them in your kitchen and washroom. The German cockroach is the most common cockroach species found in households. The life cycle consists of three stages. The first stage is the egg stage/reproduction. A female cockroach carries her eggs in an egg case that has around 40 eggs. She lays the egg case just before they hatch. The second stage is the nymph stage. Once the egg hatches a baby cockroach has to undergo a molting stage where they shed their exoskeleton. This stage lasts about 60 days depending on the environment (temperature, water, food). The final stage is the adult stage. After the final molting the cockroach becomes a fully-functional and sexually-active adult. The average lifespan of a female german cockroach is 6 to 7 months during which she lays an average of 350 eggs.

At Iriene Pest Solutions, we offer a treatment that specifically targets areas that roaches frequent to stop the problem at the source. For smaller pest problems we offer a non-invasive treatment where we apply a odorless, non-toxic gel in small nooks and crannies, around where roaches like to hide as well as an odorless, non-toxic powder behind fridges, stoves and toilets to ensure that the problem is dealt with but does not interfere with everyday life. For more severe infestations we ask that you empty out all your cupboards, so we can spray the kitchen and washroom with a residual chemical and ask that you leave your house for at least 4 hours to ensure that your home is safe to be in. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how you can be one step closer to living pest free!

Bedbugs are notorious pests that infest homes and disrupt sleep. Adult bed bugs are no larger than an apple seed with a flat oval-shaped body and are typically brownish-black. When they are recently fed they become reddish-brown colored and grow in size. Young bedbugs are smaller in size and are translucent to whitish-yellow. If unfed, baby bedbugs can be nearly invisible to the naked eye due to their coloring and size which makes it that much harder to identify them. Like butterflies, bedbugs undergo a metamorphosis. The first stage is eggs, which are tiny, and not visible to the naked eye. The second stage is the nymph stage which has 5 stages. Each nymph stage requires a blood meal (that they receive from a human host) before molting into the next stage which is a gradual process. The third stage is the unfed female stage where the female lays about 200-250 eggs in her lifetime. And the final stage is the unfed male stage where the male participates in mating and continuing the cycle. Bebugs feed exclusively on blood, usually from sleeping humans which is where they get their name. A single blood meal takes around 5-10 minutes and leaves their host with itchy spots that look very similar to a mosquito bite. The scary part is bedbugs can live without feeding for up to a year.

At Iriene Pest Solutions, we offer a chemical as well as a bio-chemical treatment. Contact us so we can discuss which treatment option is the best for you. You can rest assured that we can manage even the most dire situations. Contact us today to learn more about our treatments and how you can be one step closer to living pest-free!

Fleas can quickly multiply and infest your home, often brought in by pets or wildlife. Our flea control services start with a thorough inspection to identify areas of infestation and determine the most appropriate treatment methods.

We utilize a combination of residual insecticides, growth regulators, and flea traps to eradicate fleas from your living spaces. Additionally, we provide guidance on pet treatments and preventive measures to prevent future flea infestations, ensuring a flea-free home for you and your pets.

Flies can be not only a nuisance but also carriers of disease-causing pathogens. Our fly control services involve identifying the breeding sites and conducive conditions for fly infestations, such as decaying organic matter or standing water.

We then implement targeted treatments, such as residual insecticides or fly baits, to eliminate adult flies and prevent their reproduction. Additionally, we provide recommendations for sanitation practices and structural repairs to deter future fly infestations and maintain a fly-free environment in your home.

Silverfish are nocturnal pests that feed on starches and can cause damage to books, clothing, and other household items. Our silverfish control services begin with a thorough inspection to identify areas of silverfish activity and their hiding spots.

We then apply residual insecticides and desiccant dusts to eliminate silverfish populations and prevent their return. Additionally, we provide recommendations for reducing moisture levels and eliminating clutter to make your home less hospitable to silverfish.

Centipedes are predatory arthropods that can be unsettling to encounter indoors. Our centipede control services start with a comprehensive inspection to identify entry points and conducive conditions for centipede infestations, such as damp areas or cluttered spaces.

We then implement targeted treatments, such as residual insecticides or dusts, to eliminate centipedes and their hiding places. Additionally, we provide recommendations for sealing entry points and reducing moisture levels to prevent future centipede problems and maintain a centipede-free home environment.

At Iriene Pest Solutions, we offer pest control of all kinds, which includes rodents (mice and rats). Rodent season typically starts when they begin to search for places to spend the winter. This occurs during the beginning of winter which is the end of their breeding season. During warmer months, rodents breed non-stop. An adult mouse can have up to 60 babies a year, while rats can have up to 24 annually. Mice can reach sexual maturity in just three weeks, which makes them so heinous. Rodents can also transmit a variety of viruses to humans. To name a few, hantavirus, plague, salmonella, rat bite fever, tularemia and leptospirosis. These viruses can be transmitted through water, touch, food, and through shared living spaces. This is why it’s extremely important to identify if you have mice or rats to avoid exposure to these viruses. An easy way to identify whether or not you have mice or rats is through their droppings (excrement). Mouse droppings are brown in color and measure about 1/4 of an inch. Mice can excrete about 70-150 droppings a day. Some common places you will find their droppings are behind food boxes, at the back of silverware drawers or under your kitchen sink. Rat droppings however, are larger than mice measuring between 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch and they are sausage shaped. These droppings can be shiny black or a dark gray. Here at Iriene Pest Solutions, we are skilled in identifying and targeting any rodent problem, big or small. Bait is placed in tamperfree boxes so kids and pets cannot get to them.. Contact us today to learn more about our treatments and how you can be one step closer to living pest-free!

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